Wicket enables you to integrate with the solution that fits you.
At Wicket, we focus on being the best at one thing: helping you manage your member data. That’s why we integrate with world-class software. We provide our customers with an ecosystem of the top tools instead of a mess of modules.
Billing is no different. We integrate with the best e-commerce platform to provide our customers and their members with an optimal purchasing experience.
As your single source of truth, the MDP stores all member data. Meanwhile, the e-commerce tool will handle invoicing, reminders, and payment processing.
The Wicket + WooCommerce
integration is a game changer.
We think WooCommerce is the future for associations. WooCommerce is flexible enough to meet the most complex needs. Yet, it’s still simple for staff and members to use.
What’s WooCommerce?
WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce platform built on top of WordPress. It’s flexible, easy to use and powerful. With WordPress being the most widely used CMS in the world, there is a large network of WooCommerce experts. There’s also an extensive library of plugins to suit your needs.

How does it work?
First thing’s first. WooCommerce runs on WordPress websites; you can add it to an existing site or easily create a new one.
Our expert professional services team can help you launch a new WordPress website or adapt a site. Working with you, they’ll create a solution tailored to your needs. Alternatively, if you have staff with WordPress skills, your organization can quickly get going on its own.
Once your website is up and running with WooCommerce, the integration with Wicket comes into play. WooCommerce will send member statuses to Wicket, so you’ll always know who your active and lapsed members are.
Wicket will also enable single sign-on (SSO) across your ecosystem of tools. SSO allows members to use the same username and password everywhere. Members can go from purchasing on your website to registering for an event on another platform. They’ll use one username and password every step of the way.

Why do we recommend WooCommerce to associations?
Simplicity is key. When you make it easy for people to buy, they’re less likely to abandon their purchase. Today, revenue growth depends on having a streamlined online purchase flow.
That’s why the unified shopping cart is so powerful. You can manage one online store for all member/customer purchases. Members can pay their dues and purchase products and services all in one transaction on your website. The result? You’ve removed all barriers for them, making purchasing more products and services easy.
You can process all your transactions on your website, including:
- Memberships (recurring transactions)
- Subscriptions (to journals, magazines)
- Donations
- Publications (physical and digital)
- Courses
- Event tickets and passes
- Bookings and rentals
- Sponsorships

Wicket’s deep integration with WooCommerce is designed to make managing memberships easy. You can set up your memberships to renew monthly, quarterly or yearly. When members pay their dues, the rest is automated. They’ll have immediate access to any content, coupons or discounts you’ve set for active members.
Because of the integration, any membership purchases will automatically appear in Wicket. When you log in to Wicket, you’ll see the complete status of your members. You’ll know which members are active, coming up for renewal soon, and which members have lapsed. This information is all based on the status of their account in WooCommerce.
The platform works with all membership structures. Whether you have an individual, company-based, or hybrid structure, WooCommerce can support your needs.
You can also give member discounts, coupons, or refunds. Special offers can be automated based on a set of rules. Alternatively, you can give offers to members on an individual basis.
Another exciting feature WooCommerce offers is product bundles. You can bundle multiple items to encourage purchases. For example, you could bundle a membership tier with publications and event access to promote higher spending from your members.
In addition to membership transactions, purchases of other goods and services will appear in Wicket as Touchpoints. Touchpoints are actions recorded in Wicket from all integrated platforms. When you log in to Wicket, you’ll get a clear picture of your members’ engagement. You’ll be able to see which emails a member opened, what events they’ve attended and what purchases they’ve made. All thanks to Touchpoints.

Sending invoices is simple with the invoice plugin. A PDF of your member’s invoice is attached to order confirmation emails. Admins and members can also download the invoices anytime from your website.
It also handles notifications and reminders. It will send messages for credit card expiries, and failed and overdue payments on your behalf.

Tax calculations
The tax settings in WooCommerce are flexible. You can use the official WooCommerce Tax plugin. The plugin will automate sales tax based on your customer’s billing address.
You can also create taxation regions manually. This option is best for organizations with more complex taxation rules.

One of the benefits of more modern e-commerce platforms is auto-renewals. Members can input their credit card information when purchasing memberships and opt-in for auto-renewal. Their credit card information is automatically sent to the secure payment processor and stored. When the member comes up for renewal, the charge for the next term is automatic. Internal staff who spend unnecessary time following up with members for payment no longer have to do this. Members also save time because their renewal will happen without effort.
Because your organization won’t lose well-intentioned members who forget to pay, you can better forecast revenue. You’ll have a precise number of people who have opted into auto-renewal. These people are almost guaranteed to renew.

Members can make donations to your organization in the checkout flow. These donations can be one-time purchases or recurring. When a member donates, Wicket collects and stores this data as a Touchpoint. Then, when you go to that member’s profile in Wicket, you can see all the donations they’ve made.

AutomateWoo is a powerful automation tool built in WooCommerce. You can create workflows based on triggers, rules and actions that will run automatically. With these workflows, you can customize your members’ experience fully. For example, you could create a workflow that sends a specific email to members who purchase a particular product.

Both Wicket and WooCommerce are highly secure platforms. Both platforms use strict user roles and password requirements to ensure the safety of your data. PCI compliance is mandatory if you’re connecting WooCommerce to a payment gateway. The payment processor securely stores your members’ credit card information. It’s never stored on your website or in Wicket, ensuring the highest level of security for your members’ information.

Rich member data
With all purchases written to Wicket as Touchpoints, analyzing your member data is easier than ever. You’ll be able to see all of your data in one place. When you pull up a member’s profile, you’ll know how engaged they are. You’ll see the purchases or donations they’ve made, the events they’ve attended, and the emails they’ve opened. On an aggregate level, you can start pinpointing the offerings that drive purchases.